Monday, October 28, 2013

STOP living animals keychain/lucky charm in China

What makes you want to buy a living baby turtle and keep it in a key chain for 1 week until it dies because it has no food, no oxygen and no where to swim..

The more we evolve in other places the stupider it seams we get.
"YES, we are the humans and we rule the world, lets play God of all things living".

There are a lot of people I´d rather have swimming around in my key chain...
If your against Animal Cruelty, show it and click this link! It takes 2 sec to sign the petition! DO IT!

Monday, October 21, 2013

FaceBook Graph Search

I just found out that Facebook have released the Graph Search.. but not in my country...
Witch you might have understood from my earlier posts, I'm from Norway.

I have been reading about the Facebook Graph Search for some months now, but not being able to use it.
And with no idea of when i would be able to...


There is a really quick-fix for getting the Facebook Graph Search!

It lets you search for restaurants, clubs, friends... and single girls in your hometown :D

So, if you live in a country where Facebook still have not released it.. all you have to do is change your language to ENGLISH (US) and... swiiiish. You have it!

If you liked my tip, please comment! :)

Stay in touch : Instagram

Monday, August 26, 2013

Vine Video

Do you Vine?

I found this app some months ago and its fun.
Its a videoposting app where you can film up to 10sec or so, its not long but there are lots of creative people out there who make those few seconds count!


Vine is the best way to see and share life in motion. Create short, beautiful, looping videos in a simple and fun way for your friends and family to see."

 I have not made many videos myself, but its easy to do so with this app. You can check me out at the Vine app : plaxen84

Wish you all a great Monday!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lick my eye

New trend in Japan... of those trends I really hope stays in Japan!

A fetish is spreading in Japan where you lick your friend´s eye.
I can not see how this is arousing or erotic, so what is the reason for licking someones eye
- its straight on eye VS tongue... ?!?!

Doctors have concluded the practice can spread viral conjunctivitis or "Pink Eye," so if its not the fact that its disgusting, then that might be a good reason to not do it.. It can injure the eye and reduce sight - again, don´t do it :D

 - By the way.. what do you tell your doctor when your eye starts to hurt..

"ehhm, you see this girl... she was licking me.. IN THE EYE... soOo..."
Dr.BeRollingHe´sEys... "are you serious? "

The practice, in which teens show affection by licking their partner’s eyeballs, may have started with a scene in a music video released last year from the Japanese band Born, which features a dramatic slow-motion scene of oculolinctus.

Think i´ll just stick to
holding hands and kissing, stuff that’s been around for millions of years...

Do you have a dog or planing to get one? How did you come up with the name?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

You know your evil when

You know you have done some evil when...

                         .... you start growing horns :D

A Chinese woman - Mum Zhang Ruifang (102) have a long horn growing from her forehead!!

The old woman explains that the horn does not hurt, and that she did not think 
about "it" before it started getting the shape of an horn.

Looks like someone has done more than just a deal with the Devil :D

The doctors still don´t know what to do with the horn or why she got it. 
They say that it is "made" from keratin, the same stuff that is in our nails and hair. 
From the looks of it, another horn is coming on the right side also...

Two more months and it´s Halloween!!! :D

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Attraktiv med hvite tenner / Attractiv with a white smile

Har du kritthvite tenner trenger du ikke lese videre.
Derimot om du drikker kaffe, te og liker et glass rødvin som de fleste av oss andre kan det være greit å lese videre..

Hvite tenner er blitt et signal på helse, skjønnhet og sunnhet.
Jeg skal ikke skryte på meg å være tannlege som anbefaller ditt og datt, men når jeg kommer over noe jeg selv har troen på syntes jeg det er verdt å dele litt kunskap.
Tror ikke jeg er alene om å mene at du rett å slett ser bedre ut om du har hvite tenner.

Men før vi snakker mer om hvite tenner, la oss heller se på hvordan det kan se ut om du ikke har hvite tenner.. Bilder er alltid gøy :)

Nå kan man jo også få satt på fasetter på tennene, fake tenner.. det koster en del, men det ser bra ut og fler og fler kjendiser velger dette alternativet. På den måten vil du alltid ha hvite og pene tenner. Men til en pris som fort koster deg nærmere en månedsløn for et par tenner :)

For å se selv, klikk på bilde under...

Kom over Dentway da jeg satt å søkte på dette, trygt, billig og ganske enkel måte å få hvite og pene tenner
allerede til neste bytur ;D
Koster mindre enn et par drinker gjør det og, vel, nesten iallefall. 495KR er ikke så langt unna.


For all my American readers, check this out!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

DealExtreme - buy your gifts here this year

Shopping in China, from home! 

Have you ever looked at a item in the shelves at the store and taught 
"this is probably bought in China for 1/10 of the price I'm looking at" ???
The answer is: it probably is.. :)

I buy thing from China all the time, I buy is headphones, knives, cables, shoes, shirts, extras for my phone, adapters and a whole lot of other stuff I just buy because its dirt cheep :D 

Check out this price.. in a store at the mall these would cost about 23$ here: 3,02$ BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

There are pros and cons here as everywhere:

* Really, really cheep
* Usually good quality
* A lot more to choose from than in your local store
* Some fun trips to the post office
* You get to buy things not everyone else has
* Its fun doing business from home - in China.. :)

* You might get a low quality product
* It takes a few weeks to get the item you bought
You can also check out these 2$ items for a quick shopping test

Friday, May 24, 2013

Kick ass video!

Just a little something I found to cheer you up!

My kind of humor - bully gets whats coming for her.. :D

Monday, April 1, 2013

7RED Casino

I have friends that live off the Internet only by playing Poker!

I don't understand how, but it seams to work out fin for them - some even get invited to other countries just to play a tournament! That's cool!
I would actually love to get invited to LasVegas to play a game or anywhere else for that matter, being invited somewhere to play, that's awesome no matter what country you go to for free...
Me, i have never tried, I'm a little to afraid to loose !
As I have talked with some of t my friends they have recommended some places to go and test it out. One of these places was, so I'm thinking of giving it a shot! What do you think?

Do you play at ?
Good or bad, send me a comment below :)

If your like me, just want to test it, check out the link on the picture...
(the link is Norwegian, but you can get to the american page there to..)

What 2000 calories looks like

A little wow! 

Do you know your calories?
For most people this is a fun watch, and for some this can be of some help counting their meals :)

A friend sent it to me so I wanted to share.. Short post - but shared :)

Just have to add one more to make sure you leave my blog super happy! Watch this!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Do you work with Recruitment

This month I just started a new career - I have jumped in to Recruiting with both feet.
And its everything I
thought, but its also tougher that I thought :D 

 I imagined there where lots of people out there looking for work - and jobs looking for good people.
I don't think I was totally wrong, but the lots of people... out of the mass there are some surprises.
People are saying that they are coming for an interview and then don´t show up, some come totally unprepared.
So I'm searching Internet to learn more about my job, looking all over. I have come up with some good places to learn, but still looking for more.

If you where to learn The Recruiter work - What would you start off with?
Would it be, Holding Interviews?
Would it be, How to get in contact with the right job seekers?
Would it be, How to talk to the candidate on the phone?
Or would it be something else I have not yet tough about?

Do you know the secrets to Recruiting - and would you share?

Would you make a guest comment here on my blog, send me a mail:

The company I'm working for specializes withing the recruitment of sales personnel in Oslo / Norway. 
We have some big customers and have our hands full being a little company. But we do also have a lot of fun doing it, learning new things and enjoy meeting new and exciting people!

Webcruiter had a great meeting om Friday where people interested in recruiting where all there to mingle and learn. There where people there from witch is one of Norway's main newspapers among other big companies. I had a blast meeting so many interested and social people!

FOLLOW me on TWITTER: plaxen84
or send me a message on Skype: Plaxen84

New Wide Angle Lens from Sigma

As my desire for getting better at taking photo´s still grows I jumped to it when a friend of mine where selling he´s almost new Sigma Wide Angle Lens. New its about 600$ - I got mine for 250$ Of course I had to have it! If you wan to see what kind of camera I use, check it out here:

So far I have used it at every possible opportunity. I have searched Youtube for the best ways to use it and am still trying to get the hang of it. But no matter what, it still gives a good result.
The fun part about it is that when you get really close you get so deep pictures. 

The Wide Angle Lens information:
Because of its zoomed out nature, a wide angle lens is capable of capturing more in the frame than a zoom lens and is therefore considered to have a “wider” field of view. 
Though wide angle lenses are most often thought of in relation to landscapes, they actually have a wide variety of applications in all kinds of settings.
         - I found some good info here:

If this got you curious on wide angle lens photo, see some pictures taken with a wide angle lens here:

Good luck with your photos! 

The motivated writer

The blog started off pretty good. The plan was to use it as a place to post the things I usually would have posted on my FaceBook. And I have! But the thing I did not expect was to get about 1000 visitors every month on my page form all over the world, THAT IS FUN!

I have been a little lazy blogging lately and for that I'm sorry - ill get better!
But as an excuse I have been busy living and that feels quite OK to.

I still go 100% on with the Krav Maga. Its really fun and I'm learning new techniques every training and getting to know my self better in different situations. Last training we got on the gloves and had a 1 vs 2 for a full 2 min. I know it does not sound much, but the time does not move as fast while training as it does while watching TV or other mindless things. Anyway, its really fun and it also is a good combiner to my weekend work as a doorman at some of the hottest nightclubs in Oslo / Norway.

In January I got my first patch in Krav Maga, the P1 (practitioner 1) it was a really hard challenge but I did good and passed. But ill make a blog post about that later. Great fun it was!

At the start of January I managed to hurt my shoulder. Never have I before felt so handicapped. All the things I can not do when the shoulder is not at its 100%. Even driving car was a challenge the first month.
Now in late March I'm still struggling with push ups. I hate not being able to give a 100%  while training and that have turned out to make me lazy and lost about 9pounds just the last months, that really sucks.

This month I have started doing something I have not done before - but i´m really eager learning more about!
I took on a new job and am now working as a Recruiter for sales jobs in Oslo. It is fun but challenging. I meet a lot of new people and do my best to find a match between the jobs we have and the people out there. But i must say, I have been surprised! REALLY, if your posting your resume on Internet and you get called up by someone that is willing to help you get a new job. We talk about what kind of jobs we can offer and book a meeting. Both parts agree and I put of a full hour for this, then suddenly a no show! really!?

That was a quick summary of what I have been doing lately. Ill post more regularly from now on again. Stay tuned and feel free to post a comment below. I want to hear what you think as well!

And if you have some good ideas on how to get better a recruiting please let me know, I want to be the best!

Summary: Krav Maga P1, new job in Recruiting, new friends, bad shoulder, will get better at blogging more again.

As always, I wish you a great day!